Our DUI defense lawyers are here to help you during this stressful time.
You only have 10 days to schedule a DMV hearing after an arrest for a DUI. When you hire our firm, we will schedule your DMV hearing so that you do not have to worry about missing the deadline. We will handle the DMV hearing for you, as well as your court proceedings.
We can handle most court hearings on our own so that you do not have to miss a day of school or work. In most cases, you will only need to appear on your final court date, and we will handle all court hearings that lead up to the final hearing.
We will review all of the evidence in your case and present all possible defenses. We will also highlight your achievements and great background in order to reduce any punishment that may be ordered in your case.
Your schedule is busy enough without having to deal with the stress of court and DMV hearings. We will take that weight off your shoulders, and handle everything. You can call us at any moment with any questions you may have, and we will keep you informed with any case updates as they arise.
Call us today to schedule your free consultation, (909)554-3578.