The Supreme Court has already heard the arguments in favor and against President Obama's Executive Action on Immigration that was issued in November of 2014.
Under President Obama's Executive Action, undocumented parents of U.S. Citizens or Legal Permanent Residents (green card holders) qualify for a work permit and a guarantee that they will not be deported. Also, the program expands the number of people that qualify for DACA, by eliminating the maximum age (31 in 2012) and by allowing people to qualify as long as they came before 2010. The program was set to be implemented in 2015, but a lawsuit has placed a temporary hold on the program. The U.S. Supreme Court is now in charge of deciding whether the program can be implemented.
This program would give work permits to around 5 million undocumented individuals. These people will no longer have to live in the shadows, and will be able to secure lawful employment.
The Supreme Court's decision will not be known until June or July of 2016. Do not be a victim of fraud, this program has not been implemented yet! Also, do not pay anyone up front. You can pay for translation services for your birth certificates and other evidence that is not in English, but do not pay for legal fees or for "immigration fees."
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions. (909)55-HELP-U, (909)554-3578. We are here to help.