USCIS has announced that it will begin accepting applications for the new, expanded DACA starting on February 18, 2015.
What is expanded DACA?
The Executive Order on Immigration issued on November 20, 2014 made more people eligible for DACA.
Removed the age requirement:
If you were denied DACA because you were more than 30 years old in 2012, you might qualify for DACA under the expanded DACA. Before, DACA only applied to individuals born after to June 15, 1981. The executive order removed the age restriction and you can apply even if you were born before June 15, 1981.
Expanded the entry dates:
Before, DACA required continuous residence in the United States since June 15, 2007. The executive order changed this to require continuous residence in the United States since January 1, 2010.
Check out the other DACA requirements here.
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