Parole in Place for family of Military members and Veterans
What is parole in place?

Why would I need parole in place?
Entering without inspection or a valid visa or travel
document might make you ineligible for several immigration benefits. If your request for parole in place is
approved, you:
• Do not accrue unlawful presence during the specified
• May apply for a work permit for the specified period; and
• May be able to apply for an immigration benefit that
requires a lawful entry, including permanent residence, if you are eligible.
Am I eligible for parole in place?
You may be eligible for parole in place in one-year
increments if you are the spouse, widow(er), parent, son, or daughter of:
• An active-duty member of the U.S. armed forces;
• An individual in the Selected Reserve of the Rea
Reserve; or
• A military veteran (whether living or deceased, as long as
he or she was not dishonorably discharged) who served in active duty or in the
Selected Reserve of the Ready Reserve.